Maps and Directions

Adventist Health Sonora's main campus is located at 1000 Greenley Road in Sonora, CA.

Directions to other Adventist Health Sonora facilities:

For maps and directions to our physician offices in Arnold, Angels Camp, and Groveland or other medical offices and facilities in Sonora, please search for locations here.

Directions to the medical center Main Campus:

Driving from the west (Oakdale):
Head east on CA-108 East
Take the Mono Way exit and turn left onto Mono Way
Turn right onto Greenley Road
1000 Greenley Road
Sonora, CA

Driving from the east (Yosemite):
Head west on CA-120 West
Slight right onto CA-49 North
Slight right onto CA-108 East
Take the Mono Way exit and turn left onto Mono Way
Turn right onto Greenley Road
1000 Greenley Road
Sonora, CA

Driving from the south (Fresno):
Head north on CA-99 North
Exit onto East 16th Street
Turn right onto G Street
Continue onto Snelling Road
Turn right onto CA-59 North
Turn left onto La Grange Road
Turn right onto CA-108 East
Take the Mono Way exit and turn left onto Mono Way
Turn right onto Greenley Road
1000 Greenley Road
Sonora, CA

Driving from the north (Arnold):
Head west on CA-4 West
Turn left onto CA-49 South
Continue onto South Washington Street
Turn left onto Restano Way
Turn right onto Mono Way
Turn left onto Greenley Road
1000 Greenley Road
Sonora, CA